Do You like to eat Bugs?

Driving home today from our Royal Le Page Signature office on Don Mills Rd. here in wet and rainy Toronto after a 3 hour workshop on Social Media Marketing today listening to CBC1.Actually to be specific I was listening to the program they call “Dispatches”. The conversation was about eating insects… go figure.

I had just had lunch at a yummy Phillipino restaurant on York Mills near Don Mills called Casa Manila. Did I really need to hear this.

Apparently like it or not we all eat approximately 500 grams or so a year of insects. The tomatoes for our salad are apparently graded differently than the tomatoes in cans of tomato soup or spaghetti sauce etc. If tomatoes look like they may have bugs they get thrown in the soup pot.

Makes a very good case in my mind for cooking from scratch and not eating anything out of cans.
The announcer ended by saying that in some cultures shrimp were just considered 10 legged insects.
I didn’t know whether to laugh or wretch. Some lunchtime conversation. I can’t believe that CBC has nothing better to do than to educate us on the eating of bugs.
What is our society coming to. Is this exciting programming?