Everybody Feng Shui now

I’m sure you’ve all heard the term “Feng Shui”. What exactly is Feng Shui though? According to about.com:

Feng Shui is an ancient art and science developed over 3,000 years ago in China. It is a complex body of knowledge that reveals how to balance the energies of any given space to assure the health and good fortune for people inhabiting it.

Literally translated Feng Shui means wind water, which symbolizes good health and fortune. The art (and business) of Feng Shui is quite complex and differs from culture to culture, it takes years of study to truly understand it. I don’t know about you, but I don’t have years, so I’m going to just give you a few basic Feng Shui dos and don’ts. I’m not going to go into the philosphy behind these tips, most are easy enough to do, and if they improve the energy of your home, then it’s not a big deal to do them!

  1. Don’t leave shoes or slippers cluttering your doorway. Keep that path clear
  2. If you have a tv in your bedroom, either keep it in a cupboard that you can close the doors on, or cover it with a plastic (not cloth) cover at night
  3. Replace burnt out light bulbs immediately
  4. Keep toilet seats and lids down (show him this article if you want!) and keep drains covered or closed too.
  5. In the kitchen, your refrigerator, sink, or washing machine should not be directly across from your stove.
  6. Always have a solid wall at the head of your bed.
  7. Do not have a red sofa seat.
  8. No mirrors opposite or beside your bed.  I don’t know about on the ceiling, I’ll get back to you on that one.
  9. Apeaking of mirrors, they should never cut off the top of your head, or be tiled.
  10. Mirrors are a pretty big thing. They should reflect positive things.
  11. Don’t keep a broken clock in your home, and don’t display a large clock in your bedroom.
  12. No fountains or water features in your bedroom, or in the South portion of your home
  13. This is a no brainer – clear out clutter.
  14. Add wind chimes or musical instruments to regulate energy

These are just some simple things to do that you can’t really do ‘wrong’ to make bad Feng Shui.  If you really want to complete Feng Shui things, you’ll need to make an energy map of your home, and consult and expert.