Wax in the Carpet! Oh No!!

If you’ve ever had a candle get knocked over, or melt over the sides of it’s holder, you’ve had a mess that seems like can never be cleaned up.  Fear not – there are ways to get that wax out even if it’s white shag carpet.

The best method I’ve ever used is this one.

Get a piece of toweling that will be thrown away afterwords.  Wet it.  It doesn’t have to be dripping wet, but it needs to be wet, not damp, wet.  Fire up the old steam iron  – it HAS to be a steam iron.  Make sure the steam iron is full of water and ready to go on high heat.    Place the wet towel over the waxy mess on the carpet.  When your steam iron is heated up iron the wet towel back and forth back and forth over the waxy area for about 10 seconds.   Set the iron aside, and peel the towel up.  The wax should be adhered to the towel now, instead of your carpet! (repeat if necessary).  If there is just a little left, you can use a product like “goof-off”  and a spoon to scrape the small bit remaining.   Some people have had luck using wet paper towels or brown paper bags rather than the towel.  The towel worked for me though!

Once you get the wax out, you may have a little residual wax color stain.  There are a couple things you can do to get that stain out.  Mix a little vinegar with Dawn dish soap and scrub with that then rinse and blot.  You could also try a oxi-clean paste made from a tblspoon of oxi-clean and some hotwater.  Scrub with a brush, rinse and repeat.